Click images for animated GIF loop. PERILS , IOP , VORTEX-SE , S. Plains , Oklahoma , OKC , SPC High Risk
GOES Sat&Rad (Click image for animated loop) GOES Sat&Rad (Daytime only) (Click image for animated loop)

Merged Reflectivity Composite (no QC) (Click image for animated loop) Merged Reflectivity Composite 2D (Click image for animated loop)

Low Altitude Reflectivity Composite (Click image for animated loop) Merged Reflectivity Composite 3D (Click image for animated loop)

Maximum Expected Hail Size (Click image for animated loop) MESH_Max_60min (Click image for animated loop)

Rotation Tracks 60min (Click image for animated loop) Vertically Integrated Liquid (Click image for animated loop)

GOES Visible (Click image for animated loop) GOES IR Band (Click image for animated loop)

Hybrid Scan Reflectivity (Click image for animated loop) RadarOnly 1HR QPE (Click image for animated loop)

MultiSensor 24HR QPE (Click image for animated loop) RadarOnly 24HR QPE (Click image for animated loop)

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